In this day and age, making your own greeting cards isn’t just a fun afternoon project; it’s also a great way to tell the recipient that you care about them enough to put in time and effort into making something so simple yet so personal as a custom greeting card. Finding materials or base cards from reputable online shops like Stampin’ Up for your creative card ideas is a good way to make sure that your cards are made of quality materials.
Here are some creative greeting card ideas that you can apply at home:
Watercolor Cards
It’s one of the most colorful types of cards you can make, and it’s one of the easiest! First, use painters tape on the edges of a blank card (ideally something thicker than A4 paper). Seal the edges properly.
Next, tape whatever design you want at the center of the card. If it’s your first time, a simple rectangle will do just so that you can write your message in it.
Start dropping or splashing liquid watercolor all throughout the card. There is no right or wrong way to do this, be as creative as you can be and use as many colors as you’d like.
Once you’re satisfied, let it dry and remove the tape. Write your message on the taped up sections in the middle.
Z-fold Cards
Z-fold cards, also known as fancy-fold cards, are meant to be displayed on mantelpieces, or as a centerpiece on a table. With that in mind, make sure that your designs are eye-catching and show-stopping! This is the perfect opportunity to go crazy with your design choice.
First, score your card base to make two separate panels. Then, use a valley-fold to bring the two panels together along the score line. Use a mountain-fold on the side to secure it.
Cover the front panel with your choice of paper (anything with a colorful pattern will do) and leave a narrow border. Then, secure the strip to the card front with glue (it should form a Z-shape).
Finally, paint or draw on the front of the card with your sentiments.
Washi Tape Cards
Washi Tape is one of the most versatile pieces of arts and crafts material that you can find. It’s great for securing things together but also as a design feature for any project. Washi Tape is made from natural fibers like hemp to give it its distinctive matte finish. They’re usually printed with beautiful patterns and are designed to be stronger and more durable than regular masking tape. There are also plain, colored Washi Tape that’s perfect for DIY cards.
To make Washi Tape cards, simply take any blank card and attach Washi Tape that you’ve cut up into various different designs. It’s one of the simplest cards you can make that’s still personal, fun, and elegantly simple.
If you’re making these homemade cards, remember that there’s no right or wrong design: just make sure that it’s something that shows your creative side and something that your recipient will enjoy!