The ways your dental health affects you

woman at the dentist

There is a substantial amount of merit linked to optimising your oral health, not just for the sake of your teeth and gums, but also for your general well-being.

What does the state of your mouth say about your physical health?

Brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist in Southgate twice a year might keep plaque and bacteria away. Yet, the state of your mouth can tell medical professionals so much about how healthy you actually are. Additionally, failing to take care of your dental hygiene might also impact you negatively.

What diseases, infections, or conditions can an unhealthy mouth point to?

The condition of your mouth is generally indicative of how the rest of your body is doing, because oral symptoms are the first physical manifestations of other issues happening in your body. For example, systemic diseases such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes first show up orally. Medical and dental professionals test your saliva to measure for HIV antibodies, to diagnose and monitor diabetes, and also check for other serious and life-threatening conditions.

Plaque is more severe than you think

Plaque build-up can cause extensive damage if left unchecked, resulting in nasty gum diseases that can severely affect your way of life. For the most part, the microbes from plaque do not enter your bloodstream. However, undergoing uncommon, invasive dental treatment or brushing over vigorously can open ports of entry to the rest of your body. If you are a healthy person overall, the germs travelling your bloodstream will have little impact on the state of your health. However, if you have a weakened immune system, oral bacteria may exacerbate diabetes or prompt cardiovascular issues. Contracting a chronic gum condition may make your diabetes more challenging to control.  Also, recent research has shown a link between those with serious oral inflammation being at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Good habits to incorporate into your teeth-cleaning regime

dental hygiene kit

So what can you do today to prevent risking gum disease, tooth decay, and other conditions that put your life at risk? It starts with keeping up with good hygiene practices.

Implement the correct teeth-brushing technique

The truth of the matter is that not everyone knows how to clean their teeth appropriately, or they do not put in the time. Implementing the right technique will help to remove a large portion of oral bacteria. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, clean all surfaces of each tooth using small, circular motions or a gentle up and down movement. Remember that brushing thoroughly is vital here, which does not equate to brushing hard.  In fact, brushing hard harms your gums and weakens the enamel of your teeth.

Always use floss

People see flossing as optional when really it is an absolute necessity. You see, brushing might remove 60% of all oral bacteria, but what happens to the remaining germs? As small as the head of your toothbrush might be, it cannot extract all of the germs in your mouth, especially those that hide in the smallest cracks between your teeth.

See your dentist regularly

Seeing your dental practitioner twice a year might seem unnecessary. However, these check-ups could well prevent more significant issues from occurring if an early diagnosis is made.

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