Advantages of oral implants explained

dentist checking the patient and the assistant helps in the process

When you have a missing tooth or teeth, it can greatly impact how you feel about your smile, especially if it is a tooth near the front of your mouth.

And up until quite recently, the majority of people would have this issue treated using the fitting of a partial denture or a bridge. But there has been something of an overhaul in restorative dental care, and now you can have a set of teeth fitted to your mouth with the support of oral implants.

Oral implants are small titanium screws which are fitted to your jaw via surgery and then fuse with your jaw over time. The prosthetic teeth are then attached and are more secure than a bridge or denture would ever be. So, are there any other advantages of choosing dental implants Sydney over other restorative methods?

They are long-lasting

Once fitted and with correct aftercare, oral implants can easily last 20 years or more, and the aftercare itself is not too tricky. All you need to do is brush them and floss them as you would your natural teeth and of course, you need to attend biannual visits with your dentist, so they can keep an eye out for signs of things like gum disease.

They are affordable

You may have heard that oral implants are excessively expensive. However, as they have become more mainstream and more dentists have been able to fit them, the price of this treatment has dropped. And now, the majority of dental surgeries that offer this restorative dental care can offer their suitable patients financing plans, which can help you get the gap-free teeth that you want without costing you the earth.

They look real

As is the way with a lot of prosthetics, people worry that oral implants, or rather, the teeth attached to the implants, will not look real. This is not the case and your cosmetic dental team will put a lot of care into ensuring that the prosthetic teeth match your surrounding teeth in colour, size and even tint, so your oral implants will look real.

Dental implants with screw on table in clinic

They don’t move!

As mentioned earlier, one benefit of oral implants is that they do not move, meaning that you can bite into and chew foods that you may have excluded from your diet, without having to worry about the pressure that it puts on your teeth. This also means they will feel more like your natural teeth, and so you will be more likely to look after them.

They can support bridges and dentures

And finally, you can use your implants to support bridges or dentures as well. While most people use oral implants to support a single prosthetic tooth, these larger restoratives can also be supported using this method

However, when it comes to using oral implants to support larger prosthetics, like dentures and bridges, you will likely need to have a few implants fitted along your jaw, rather than relying on just one. So, be sure to talk to your dentist about the appropriate number of implants for your clinical case.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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