Are you hungry for a super smile?


If you have one or more missing teeth, you may be wondering how to get an improved smile immediately. Of course, there is no magic wand, but if you’re after a solution that is as close to having your real teeth as possible, then look no further than dental implants Sydney CBD. Dental implants offer a reliable treatment for replacing your missing teeth and nobody will know that you don’t have a full set of natural teeth.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium screws that are attached to the jawbone, where the missing teeth should be. The titanium fuses with the body’s tissues and is an excellent material for the job. The screws are placed in the jawbone so that your replacement teeth may be attached to them using an abutment. Crowns, dentures and bridges can all be attached and the result is replacement teeth that are firmly fixed in place and shouldn’t be going anywhere.

The advantages of dental implants

Dental implants offer a convenient and natural-looking solution to replacing missing teeth. They are easy to look after; all you need to do is simply brush and floss as normal, as well as visit your dentist for routine check-ups. Your replacement teeth are made to match any remaining natural teeth that you have in both size and shape, as well as shade. Once they are fitted, nobody would then be able to tell that you haven’t got your full set of natural teeth.

Another bonus with dental implants is that they will function like your natural teeth, so you don’t need to worry about them loosening when you’re talking as dentures may do, for example. You will also be able to eat and drink as normal, so there are no restrictions to your diet when you’re dining out. Go for it! And, while you’re considering between the steak well done and the crusty bread options, don’t forget to order dessert – as long as you brush afterwards!


A further benefit of choosing dental implants is the fact that sometimes, when teeth are missing, it can make your face become shrunken in its appearance. By filling in the gaps, you add structure back to your face and it can take on a more youthful glow as a result. Not bad for simply replacing missing teeth, right? Another similar benefit is the fact that when you have missing teeth, you leave any remaining natural teeth and the gums exposed to more bacteria. By getting replacement teeth for these gaps, you are protecting the other teeth and gums from overexposure and further complications in the future.

Anything else I need to know?

Sometimes, patients do not have enough bone density in their jawbone for dental implants to be fitted. By having an initial consultation with a dentist, they will be able to examine your mouth thoroughly and advise about whether or not you may need a bone graft before having implants. They will also be able to discuss your individual treatment plan with you and you can ask as many questions as you like, to ensure that you are making a fully informed decision about whatever treatment you opt for.

If you’re hungry for a great smile, don’t deprive yourself. Find out about Invisalign and fill up on implants!

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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