Finding Love in Today’s Digital World


The internet has provided us with almost everything and anything that we needed. Now, it can even help us find love–allegedly. There are so many dating sites and apps that anyone can log-in to quickly. All of them promise that you can find “the one” there. But is it true? Is it worth trying?

Can Anyone Find Love Online?

Let’s forget true love for now, would these dating sites and apps help find love? They don’t necessarily have to be the one, but they are people that you genuinely care about and create a deep bond. It’s almost too good to be true. But, there have been several people who claimed they found love online. They often share their stories online about meeting their boyfriend or girlfriend on a particular dating website and app.

For one, you do get to meet different people. Apps tend to have filters that allow you to see who’s near you. For example, a matchmaker in New York City lists down everyone on the site who is from the area. It could be possible to find someone that you would be compatible with, especially since many of these dating sites “match” people based on their interests. People who match could then start from a shared experience or interest, so it’s easy to keep the conversation going.

Besides a common ground, there’s already the attraction. After all, in the world of online dating, your first instinct is to check whether you’re attracted to them or not. Partner attraction with chemistry, and it could be possible to fall for them. But, is it true love? That’s the hard question, as most people would say true love is earned and not given. That means anyone can be a potential true love if both of you work hard enough to keep the relationship going.

So, can you find love online? Quite possibly.

The Dangers of Online Dating

online dating

There have already been several people claiming they found love online, but there are also horror stories. There are already tons of cases of getting catfished. It’s when someone you’re talking to online is pretending to be someone else. It can be pretty terrifying knowing you’ve said things and secrets to someone who is a total stranger. Some have been scammed by their dates online. They have spent actual money on them and ended up getting robbed of thousands of dollars.

It’s also quite common for other people to find out their online dates were cheating on their partners for them. This is definitely not the kind of situation you want to be in, especially if you’re not sure what their partners can do to you. Jealousy can be the perfect fuel for passion crimes. There’s also the risk of getting in danger when meeting up with an online date. You’ll never know who they really are. It could put your life in danger if they ended up being perverts or perhaps criminals.

When seeking love online, always be wary of who you talk to and the information you send out. You can never be too sure of who’s online with you.

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