Five benefits of having them extracted
Known to erupt between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four, wisdom teeth seem far from their suggested epithet.
Once considered an oddity in the dental community, wisdom teeth are now considered vestigial; in other words, they were useful to our ancestors who had to grind more fibrous plant-based material. But, in modern society, they have little to no purpose for correct oral function.
Called the third molar by dental professionals, wisdom teeth are far from comfortable for many people who experience them coming through, and unlike almost every other tooth in your mouth, the associated issues do not stop at discomfort. And so, many dental professionals advise the removal of wisdom teeth to prevent further complications.
But why should you consider having this additional set of teeth removed from your mouth by a dentist Read on to find out.
The most common issue associated with the eruption of wisdom teeth is when the teeth become impacted and will require extraction by a dentist near Liverpool.
Simply put, this means that the erupting tooth does not have the necessary room to come through, and ends up partially covered with either gum or bone. As a result, there may be issues with discomfort, inflammation, and even structural damage to the jaw.
Similarly, wisdom teeth have a higher predisposition to becoming infected. As wisdom teeth often have minimal space, it is easy for bacteria to accumulate around the tooth, leading to a higher incidence of gum infections and cavities. And of course, as any dentist from Liverpool will tell you, such problems inevitably lead to a higher risk of other complications.
So, if you feel that third molar pushing through, talk to a dental professional about removal before these secondary issues occur.
As mentioned earlier, wisdom teeth are often short on space when they erupt, causing additional pressure to form in the jaw and with neighbouring teeth. While this may sound minimal, overcrowding can impact on the alignment of teeth in the jaw, causing once straight teeth to become unaligned and protruding; not a good look.
Removal of these teeth creates more room in the mouth and prevents structural issues from occurring in your jaw.
Oral health
Once again, an overcrowded mouth is more difficult to clean efficiently.
While you may feel that you have been able to remove all the plaque and bacteria on your teeth, it is likely that some has got between those crowded teeth and is causing problems to your oral health. Wisdom teeth have been found to be a causal factor in higher levels of dental decay and gum disease, and so, it is wise (ironically!) to have them removed.
The impaction of a wisdom tooth or teeth can cause small cysts to form in the surrounding bone tissue and under the gum line. These cysts frequently cause associated jaw pain, which often requires a more specialist dental intervention to relieve. Maybe this could all be avoided by having your wisdom teeth extracted if advised to by your dentist.