Reach your smile goals with the help of Invisalign in Ipswich


If you’re hoping to find an effective and safe way to completely transform the appearance of your smile, look no further than Invisalign in Ipswich. Not only will it help to straighten your misaligned teeth but it offers a range of other incredible benefits for you to enjoy.

If you’re passionate about your health care and would like to enjoy improved oral health levels, straightening crooked or misaligned teeth is one of the ways to do it. Patients may struggle to brush their teeth effectively if their teeth are misaligned and this could result in plaque build-up and increased risk of infection. Straightening your teeth will lower the risk of having hard-to-reach places so you can brush and floss your teeth with ease.

Consider Invisalign as a leading dental solution for crooked teeth

Did you know having Invisalign aligners can offer patients a range of additional benefits over and above the main purpose of straightening their teeth?

woman about to wear an invisaligner

Patients may find that they are able to bite and chew with improved bite force and this will aid their digestion habits as well. Patients with crooked or misaligned teeth might find it difficult to eat certain foods and this can place restrictions and limitations on their diet. Thanks to Invisalign this will no longer be the case. Patients can once more enjoy a variety of foods and dine out with friends and family without having to carefully monitor their food choices.

Remove your Invisalign aligners for special occasions

One of the most popular advantages of having Invisalign aligners as opposed to fitted traditional metal braces is that the aligners can be removed. Patients are able to insert or remove the aligner trays for a short period each day. It is recommended that patients wear them for around 20 hours a day to enjoy an effective treatment process.

Build your self-confidence by improving the state of your teeth

Did you know one way to build up your self-confidence levels is by correcting misaligned or crooked teeth? Some patients may feel embarrassed and will refrain from smiling or talking freely. This may cause them to socialise less with friends or colleagues and can affect their social life and ability to interact with others. Aligners are a great way to improve the state of your teeth so you can have the confidence to smile broadly without any hesitation or fear.

Enjoy a personalised treatment plan created just for you

Another great advantage of having Invisalign is that the aligners are made specifically for each patient using a mould of their teeth. This then offers optimum results following the treatment period as it directly targets the problem areas to ensure you have a happy, healthy, uniform smile.

Orthodontics acknowledges that no two patients are the same and their treatment plans should reflect that in order to gain the best possible results. If you are considering having aligners to correct your smile we recommend considering Invisalign. It’s important to note that these aligners are ideally suited to teenage and adult patients. It cannot be applicable to junior patients who have not had their permanent teeth formed.

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